8 ways people generally react to being blocked on Facebook

Celebrity Gossip And Humour Gists Social media

Getting blocked on social media can really be very hurtful. Especiallyat a time you just never expected it to happen. A time you probably typing that savage response you thought would be your killer punchline. Then you get blocked before putting your long lines together.


How exactly do you react in such situations?


Overall, there are 8 common ways people generally react to being blocked on social media, especially Facebook. Now, ensure to read and choose where you belong.


8 ways people generally react to being blocked on Facebook

1. Some people would begin writing painful post immediately to channel their grievances.


2. Some users will go to the extent of opening another account just to reach the person who got them blocked.


3. Some just become confused, and so they start asking themselves questions like; “Is it because of that little thing that happened?”, “Why is he/she behaving this immature?”, “What did I do wrong?”


4. Some others will begin to reach the friends of the person who blocked them to help get information from them why they were blocked.


5. Very few will just block you too in their minds and simply move on with their lives.


6. A host of others with begin a campaign to spread pretentious or false gist about you especially if you are the ‘Social media celebrity’ kind.


7. Some do not even notice it. They do not bother to know. They just do not care. You are just another number on their friend list. You get replaced and that’s final.


8. Final of this list is the category of  people who go to an extent of blocking you in real life. These ones have a black book. If you cross their path outside social media, they can either ignore you completely or challenge you. They just do not forget.


Now, you may want to ask yourself. Which of these 8 are you?

Share with in the comment section. And if you have additions to the list, please share too.

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