20 Things You’d Be Glad You Knew Before becoming A Dad

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There was a 2015 study, which was published in the journal Demography, that claimed the first year of parenthood is more emotionally traumatizing than surviving a divorce, unemployment, and the death of a partner.

People often make fatherhood sound like a nightmare, and nothing more.

You’re not likely to have a goodnight sleep for the first six months of having your first kid. There’ll be diapers and tantrums and messes and confusion. You’ll be more exhausted than you’ve ever been in your life, and your personal life will all but disappear.

Read also: 26 Thoughtful Gestures To Help You Become Better This New Year

But then, while being a dad has it’s own challenges, it is also one of the most fulfilling and life affirming experiences you will ever be grateful to have.

Here Are 20 Things You’d Be Glad You Knew Before Becoming A Dad

  1. ‘Busy’ takes a whole new meaning. Do you think you are busy now? Please wait to become a Dad. And by Dad, I mean, one who is truly involved in his family. Read: Cool Ways To Maximize Your Weekends
  2. Life will never be the same again. And it is indeed going to be a good thing with a loving Dad!
  3. If you belong to the ‘Bearded gang’, your daughters will most likely have a swell time with your beards.
  4. Pretty women will smile at you. No, it will not be because of you, but because of your beautiful kids. Read: Ups And Downs Of Loving A Girl Everyone Calls ‘Beautiful’
  5. Your circle of friends will change. You will have more parents, divorcees, widows or widowers as friends.
  6. Your kids will trash one of your favourite possessions. And this wouldn’t be out of hate, no. It would be because they love their Dad, and their Dad is you!
  7. You may develop a ‘pot belly.’ Hehehe…
  8. There is a very good chance you will be told to dress like a princess. Errrm… I think you’d rather make your kids happy.
  9. You will have to make sacrifices you never believed you could. You may have to shield you kid under rain, and it would be your body!
  10. You will make lots of money, but you will feel your kids deserve even more. Read: 4 Ways To Raise Generous Children
  11. You will have better understanding of what unconditional love is. This will be because of your kids, and your kids will love you back fiercely.
  12. You will become the super hero of your home. “Honey! There’s a large spider here!” or “Dad! I have finished pooing.” Lol!
  13. You will accidentally hurt your kids, but you will feel very terrible about it.
  14. You ‘me’ time will faint. More of your time, plans and goals will be because of your wife and kids. Read: 7 Great Habits To Build A Strong Relationship With Your Partner
  15. You will have to pretend to be interested when your kids spark up games with you. But it would be a challenge.
  16. Your kids would think you know everything. If no one ever believed, your kids sure will.
  17. You will feel like a child again. If you haven’t been on a swing for so long that your thighs start to hurt, it’s possible you haven’t really lived. It will take becoming a dad to be reminded of these simple pleasures. 
  18. Your kids will believe you are the strongest in the whole world. And you ‘berra’ be ready to defend them.
  19. It is not going to be easy, but you will always find a way out. The transition into fatherhood may make you jittery. Every day will challenge you as a parent, but every day you will figure it out.
  20. You will become a better person. The ups, the downs and the sides of being a loving Dad, will add up to make you stronger and better in everything else.

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