91 Salient Conversation Topics To Dig Into The Minds Of Your Teenagers

Extras Family Love, Flirts & Sex! Relationships

How many times have you asked your teenager how their day went, but received a grunt or one-word in response instead? It may sometimes seem tough to get your kids talking with you as a parent. And for parents who crave connecting and engaging their kids, this may be quite frustrating. These 91 Salient Conversation Topics To Dig Into The Minds Of Your Teenagers will do a good trick. Check out:

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Several other parents shy away from the reality, and continue to refrain from striking very salient conversations topics with children, thinking their teenagers are not mature enough for the talks. This might seem a bit intimidating for some, but it is actually very important for your teens to be engaged in the tough talks, and the information they need must come from you as their parent.

In my research, I have been able to gather some salient conversation topics to discuss with your children, and these topics have no right or wrong. The answer you should expect is really what kind of expectations and boundaries you put in place as parents. Whichever way, it is very important you discuss these topics with your young children. They aren’t topics you raise in just one sitting or time together if you really want to get honest replies. They aren’t one-off conversation topics.

You may do well to look at a time when your child is not busy, tired or hungry. You can ask them to go out with you for ice cream or some errands. While out, harness the one-on-one time to ask one or two of these questions. Pick the questions you believe will be best and most ideal for your child at that moment, then ensure to elaborate on them as much as possible based on your child’s responses. Use the salient conversation topics as starting points for some more in-depth discussions. 

Do not forget to listen very closely to the responses your child gives. And if you have to respond, do it without being judgmental, and without lecturing or shaming them. More so, give thoughtful and honest responses.

You can chip in the topics again later on as they grow older, as they may have made some changes in their perception of life due to new experiences. In addition, ensure you do not already have a frightening presence that would make them say things just to satisfy you.

You really want to dig deep into your teenager, and not just some time wasting avenues. I believe most of these questions are great for kids of any age. Although you may want to use the words in your own way which is expected to be more suitable, depending on the maturity level of your child. Do not ask too many at once. Good luck!

A. Personal Development:

1. What do you like about yourself?

2. What is one of the earliest memories you have?

3. What is your worst worry? 

4. What do you think I can do to help you when you get stressed or upset?

5. What helps you feel better whenever you get really upset or stressed?

6. What is the toughest part of your life right now?

7. How often do you get unhappy?

8. What is one of your favorite memories?

9. What is the best compliment you think you have ever gotten from me?

10. When have you felt really angry recently?

11. What are the things that hurt your feelings?

12. What does your perfect day feel like?

13. What gets you worried?

14. If you could become very famous, would you? 

15. What are the things you would want to be famous for?

B.  Values And Beliefs:

16. Do you believe in God? Tell me why or tell me why you don’t.

17. If you believe in God, how do you picture God?

18. Do you think religion is important?

19. Do you think there is one religion that should be embraced by everyone?

20. What do you think about life?

21. What do you think happens after people die?

22. What is your opinion of respecting other people?

23. How do you think people should earn respect?

24.Do you think adults should automatically be given respect? What about kids?

25. If you can change the world, how will you do so?

26. Who do you prefer to look up to? Why?

27.  Do you think anyone looks up to you? If there is, who?

28. Do you think there are situations one should lie? What kind of situations?

29. What are the things you are grateful to life for?

30. What three things are you grateful for today?

31. What do you think are the three most important traits everyone should have?

C.  School And Studies:

32. What was the best thing that happened to you today at school?

33. What was the worst thing that happened to you today at school?

34. Who was that person or thing that made your life today?

35. If you could choose, who would you prefer to sit by in class? Why?

36. Who would you not want to sit by in class? Why?

37. What was your favourite part of lunch or recess you had?

38. Which class do you enjoy the most?

39. Which class do you enjoy the least or wish you never have?

40. What part of your school time do you look forward to?

41. What part of the day do you dread the most?

42. Are there bullies in your class or school?

43. Have they ever aimed at you? If they did, how did you handle them?

44. What do you wish to do after graduating?

D.  Family Relationship:

45. What do you like the most about me/your other parents/siblings?

46. What do you wish you could change about me/your other parent/sibling?

47. What do you wish I do more often? and less often?

48. Do you feel uncomfortable talking to me about anything?

49. What do you feel I can do to make you feel more comfortable with me?

50. What do you think I like about you?

51. What do you think I wish to change about you?

52. Is there anything you wish we could do more often together as a family?

53. Do you think the discipline pattern we have in our family is fair?

54. What would you like to change about the discipline in our family?

55. What do you think about your friends’ family relationships compared to our own?

56. Do you think your friends’ family are closer or more distant? And Why? 

E. Social Experiences:

57. Who is your best friend? 

58. What do you like about your best friend?

59. What do you feel your best friend likes about you?

60. Who do you wish would listen more often and closely to you?

61. Is there a friend you are worried about right now?

62. Are you happy with the number of friends you presently have?

63. Do you ever feel left out or lonely?

64. What do you think are the qualities of a good friend?

63. What do you think makes someone a bad friend?

65. Have any of your friends ever disappointed you?

66. Who in your class do you regard as a really good friend to others?

67. Do you wish to be popular at school?

68. What does it mean to become popular at your school?

69. What do you think real popularity should look like?

70. Do you consider yourself more outgoing or shy?

71. Is there anyone at school you would wish to know better?

72. Do you know anyone in school who seems to get left out or teased a lot?

73. What’s your most embarrassing moment?

F.  Relationships And Love Affair:

74. Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?

75. Do your friends have boyfriends/girlfriends?

76. Who among your friends do you think has a healthy dating relationship with their boyfriend or girlfriend? Who doesn’t?

77. What do  you think makes a healthy relationship?

78. What qualities would you like to see in someone you’ll date.

79. Do you have a crush on anyone?

80. What do you like about the person you have a crush on?

81. Is there anything you see about them that seems like a “red flag” or you aren’t sure about it?

82. Do you know anyone personally who is gay?

83. What do you think about being gay?

84. Does anyone treat them differently?

85. How old do you think you can fall in love?

86. How old do you think you should be married?

G.  Future Goals:

87. What would you like to be known for in life?

88. What do you hope to be doing in like ten years from now?

89. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you wish to go?

90. If you are given $100 (or $1000, or more) to spend without being supervised, how would you spend it?

91. Do you like tattoos? Why or why not? What would it be about?

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