Benefits Of Scalp Micropigmentation

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Benefits Of Scalp Micropigmentation A study shows that most people lose between 50 to 100 hair every day. And while the causes may differ from persons to persons, it often damages the self-esteem and confidence of those who suffer it, making them also feel less attractive. There are numerous treatments for hair loss, but scalp micropigmentation stands out in the benefits derived from it. Watch Bosley’s Scalp Micropigmentation

What Is Scalp Micropigmentation?

Scalp Micropigmentation is a hair loss remedy that restores the look of a fuller hair on the head by creating the form of tiny hair follicles. The process often involves tattooing pigments into the scalp with the aid of microneedles. This procedure would strengthen your hair and also make faded and thin areas look natural with definition and depth.

This hair loss remedy would be of benefit to people experiencing all sorts of hair loss conditions. This includes thinning hair, alopecia, cancer and male and female pattern baldness.

On your first scalp micropigmentation treatment, it is advised you visit a skilled, responsible and experienced practitioner. During consultations with the practitioner, you will be informed of the procedures and how you should prepare before the process.

For example, scalp micropigmentation is not suitable for people who are more likely to develop keloids.

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Here are some tips to guide you before venturing for your first SMP:

1.You will not be able to wash or wet your scalp (even while sweating profusely) for four days after finalizing your scalp micropigmentation treatments. Hence, it is important you shower before the process.

2. Prepare for a session that would last between four and five hours.

3. The amount of treatment you’d need often depends on the amount of scalp you are considering for SMP.

4. Treatments are often separated weeks apart.

5. Do not go swimming, taking hot showers, or using steam in-between treatments.

6. Do not expose your scalp under hot sun for the first four days. You may want to consider putting on a hat instead. On the fifth day, expose the area which was treated to the sun for sixty minutes, and a little over thirty minutes if your skin is very fair.

7. Be aware that the less exposure of the treated skin to the sun means it would have good long-term retention.

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Here Are 8 Benefits Of Scalp Micropigmentation

1.Quick Healing Time

Since the scalp micropigmentation procedures do not require invasion, candidates are often able to go about their normal duties only a few days after treatments. You will have no dressing or stitches to be concerned about. You only need to clean-up thoroughly within the following weeks.

2. Little Maintenance Required

You will not be needing any expensive hair product or time for styling, since there is no real hair. Just wash the pigmented portion, and apply some hair wax to make it shine a bit, then you are fine for a date with that special one.

3. Conceals Skin Infirmities

If you have suffered injuries in the past, or secure scars as a result of hair transplant, the micropigmentation helps to conceal those imperfections. It would also add a mask to thinning hairline to make the head hair appear fuller.

4. Looks Real And Natural

Scalp micropigmentation gives men back the pride they lost as a result of hair loss. The pigments match the hair colours and also the tone of the skin to give it a natural and genuine look.

5. It Is Very Durable

The SMP lasts for several years with the right maintenance which differs from persons to persons. A client’s immune system, exposure to sun along with a few other factors often determine how often they would regularly need to touch up. While some clients would be advised to touch up in five to six years, some may need it in every three years. The pigmentation is always intact and can often be updated to meet your new style or colour. The result of this is an increased level of confidence.

6. It Is Safe And Secure

The procedure of SMP requires the use of mild and scalp-friendly agents which means there are no side effects. Incisions aren’t involved too; making you almost at no risk of infection. A local anaesthetic is also employed to keep the needle pain-free

7. It Is Not Expensive

Scalp micropigmentation is very affordable to do and maintain. You do not need to purchase any cosmetic, shampoo, tonic or any care product, as the procedure does not require post-procedural medications. This helps you to save more.

8. Fast Procedure

In just a few hours of scalp micropigmentation, your hair is given that restored look you want. The beautiful thing is that you are sure of regaining that real head hair looks after having the first session. The hair appears fuller and impressive, and since no incisions are involved, it takes only about two days to days to be back to your usual daily activities.

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