Powerful Home Remedies For Acne

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As harmless and negligible as it may seem from the start, acne can grow to emit undesirable side effects on its carrier. These effects are such as dryness, redness or irritation.

While acne – one of the most common skin conditions may be tempting to pick and pop out, gazing over a mirror, the repeated scars acne registers on its carrier’s face as a result, is not such that gladdens the heart.

There are however countless suggestions of home remedies for acne on the internet. But a few powerful acne home remedies you’d be glad you knew are explored in this article.

Acne begins to develop when pores in your skin clogs with dead skin cells and oil. Among factors responsible for its development include stress, infection, genetics, hormone changes and diet.

And while some cases may seem negligible and less severe, some other cases can leave very ugly remark on the face of its carier.

Some of the common symptoms include whiteheads, pimples and blackheads.

Powerful Home Remedies For Acne


Aloe also called Aloe vera is very helpful with calming inflammations in acne. Dr. David Lortscher; founder of Curlogy strongly recommends the use of Burt’s Bee’s Daily Facial Moisturizer especially because of its high concentration in Aloe.

Dr. Lortscher, revealed that aloe is well known for its great potency in skin-healing and skin-soothing.

The gel in aloe vera is often used in the production of creams, soaps, lotions and ointments because of its potency in the treatment of burns, rashes and several skin conditions.

2. Honey and Cinnamon

Honey and cinnamon have been discovered to be very good sources of antioxidants, which are also are very effective at reducing acne. They both are able to debar the triggering of acne by combating bacteria and reducing inflammation.

You can make a honey and Cinnamon mask by mixing two tablespoons of honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon together to form a paste. Clean your face, then apply the mixture and leave it on for up to fifteen (15) minutes.

Rinse off the mask, and get your face dry.

3.  Apple cider vinegar

Dr Lortscher revealed that Vinegar can very good to fight bacteria. But then, he adviised diluting it the vinegar, one part to four parts of water before using.

This especially concerns people who love to take it further to use vinegar as toner. Lortscher said that usng a full-strenght application can result into burn for sensitive skin.

Apple cider vinegar, and can cure skin-infections which include acne. However, vinegar is acidic and users should be cautious while using it.

Test the mixture on the side of your arm to be sure your skin can handle it, before using it on your face.

4. Fish Oil Supplement

Healthy fats such as Omega-3 can be very helpful in proffering several health benefits.

Fish oil is imbued with two major types of Omega-3 fatty acids. These include eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

EPA has several skin benefits which preventing acne, maintaining adequate hydration and also managining the production of oil. A good level of EPA can also decrease inflammatory factors that can also help in preventing acne.

Omega-3 fatty acids can also be gotten from sardines, walnuts, ground flaxseeds, chia seeds and salmon.

5. Regular Exercise

When there is an increase in blood flow, the skin cells becomes better nourished, which can help heal and prevent acne. This increase in blood flow can be gotten through regular exerciseof the body.

Research has also revealed that stress and anxiety can decrease as a result of regular exercise.

Exercises such as walking, running and even lifting weights is recommended for adults for atleast 30 minutes and between 3-5 times every week.

6. Apply Green tea to skin

Green tea can help promote good health as a result of its high antioxidants.

While drinking green tea has its numerous health benefits, applying it directly to the skin can be used as home remedy for acne. This is especially because flavonoids and tannins which are present in green tea, can help combat bacteria and also reduce inflammation which are the two major causes of acne.

To use this as a home remedy, you can steep the green tea in boiling water for about 5 minutes, then allow the tea to cool.

Apply the tea to your skin by using a cotton ball. You may also choose to pour into a spray bottle to spritz it on.

Allow it to dry after some minutes on, then rinse with water and dry.

The green tea leaves can also be added to honey to make mask.

Drinking it may not yet be prescribed as a home remedy for acne, but then, research has revealed it to contribute immensely to the reduction of blood sugar and insulin levels.


Acne is common and also differs to individual-carriers. But fortunately, home remedies for acne as explored here can be very effective. It however may depends on the severity your experience.

Do not hesitate to visit a dermatologist in the case of a severe acne experience.

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