Girl, her dream and her advisors

Gists Motivationals Our Uncoordinated Creatives

Learning from other people’s experiences helps us to make better and more courageous decisions. Here is a story (non-fiction) that should accelerate your goals and decisiveness. It would also help boost the motivation you need to achieve your goals in 2019.

Read Also: Inspiring story of a young man that would accelerate your success in 2019

A Young woman had a few cash to invest in business. Her choice of business was Food Delivery. This was especially because she loved cooking.


She approached some banks and schools which encouraged her to showcase her stuffs. And because of her love for class, young woman decided to produce business cards, fliers, customized packing materials, delivery utensils and customized t-shirts for a few high school leavers who showed interest in working with her. She also made timely payments of other necessary things and space she needed, especially she she had the needed funds to invest.


Then again, she approached the Banks, schools and a few other organizations with her team, to deliver the idea about her business, and it was warmly received.


She met her parents. Her parents loved the idea, but then advised her to meet her Pastor for a ‘spiritual’ advice. Then she met her Pastor.


Her Pastor was also the regional head of her church. He was happy with the idea,  or so it seemed. And after a few lengthy discussions, Pastor asked her a few more questions.


“Is this what you want?”


“Is this really God’s purpose for your life?”


“In 5 years time, what do you think you’ll be like going into this kind of business?”


Well, she disclosed in all innocence, that her decision was based on her love for good food. And since she had everything it would take to kick start the business.


Pastor took a deep breathe, and said he doesn’t think it was the right time for her to venture into such business.


Regional Pastor seem to want the best for her. He wanted to see her on TV. He wanted to see her in high places. He wanted to see her in-charge of big things, but just not as a Food Delivery person in common and popular streets. Just No!


But as it felt like young woman was determined to do business, he directed her to her Youth Pastor.


Then she met her Youth Pastor. Then the story gets more interesting.


It looked like Youth and Regional Pastors have lots in common. They love the young woman so much, and just wants more for her. Youth Pastors started by letting her know about the precious gifts  God had imbued in her, and how it may become wasted by reducing everything to Food delivery business.


He spoke to her about the world that is waiting for her real manifestation, and which should just not be in running food errands. He spoke hours and hours. He said she was too young for such a business, and her beauty will vanish within a short period into it. He broke off the zeal in her. He spoke off everything she had gathered and built.


He spoke off her strength. He spoke off her heart and brain from her investments. Then, she became empty!


Youth Pastor advised her to return to school, study law and become a Barrister. He also suggested other businesses she could venture in the mean time.


That was at a vigil.


Young woman got home, and completely emptied everything she had put together for the business. She set the fliers, and business cards ablaze. She gave out the t-shirts and every other thing. Also telling people who had anticipated how she is having a rethink.


But then, the idea never completely left this young woman. It kept revisiting her mind. She even thought of other ways she could have achieved it. But, it seem a bit late.


That was in 2014.


If she had started then, she could have made it big by now. Even if she had stopped or failed, it would definitely be in a whole new level of experience.


Three years later, young woman took courage to begin again, but she already had much responsibilities on her. She was very free in 2014, but this time, no.


Here is the shocking gist. The wife of the Youth Pastor that bluntly discouraged her, is now into the same food business in the same local town where she had intended to do the business!

Reading this story will positively impact your choices in 2019


***Crux of the story***

Follow your conviction.


You don’t need everyone’s validation.


Failure often comes with experience, don’t be afraid to fail.


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