Reasons Why Men Do Scalp Micropigmentation

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Hair loss occurs as a result of varying conditions which could be medical or psychological. Studies show that it often increases with age. In fact, a particular study revealed that 42% of men who fall between the age of 18 and 49 suffer a level of hair loss ranging from moderate to extensive. And because this experience often does not have easy cures, the desire for efficient treatment projects reasons why men do scalp micropigmentation.

What Is Scalp Micropigmentation?

Scalp micropigmentation (SMP) is a process that creates the appearance of tiny hair follicles to re-establish a sense of full hair on the head. The method is quite comparable to micro-bladding, and it is effective and pain-free. It involves the use of microneedles to tattoo pigment into the scalp. And is also known as ‘Hair tattoo’.

Scalp micropigmentation restores hairlines that are declining; hides any form of transplant scarring and also thickens the remaining hair. It can be used to;

i. Cover burn scars

ii. To tackle skin infirmities,

iii. To secret scars from hair as a result of transplantations

iv. And also for male pattern baldness.

Why Do Men Go Bald?

Before we consider reasons why men do scalp micropigmentation, let’s examine briefly why men experience baldness. Men (and women) may go bald for the following reasons;

i. Age: As men increase in age, the degree at which hair grows slows.

ii. Genetics: A person may experience hair loss if he or she has a parent (or grandparents, and so on) who also experienced the same. It is as a result of the DNA.

iii. Hormones: Men’s hair can gradually become finer, thinner and finally stop when they acquire hair follicles that are highly sensitive to a hormone known as dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is responsible for contracting hair follicles.

iv. Lifestyle: Certain habits such as excessive consumption of alcohol, smoking, use of certain medications, and also poor dieting may contribute to men experiencing baldness.

It is worthy to note that baldness is not typical of men alone. It occurs also in women. In fact, a study revealed that approximately 40% of people who suffer hair loss are women. While this experience can be quite distressing, and also blow off a person’s self-esteem, there are reasons why you may want to consider scalp micropigmentation as a remedy.

Here Are Some Reasons Why Men Do Scalp Micropigmentation

1.It Is Fast And Efficient

Scalp micropigmentation is one hair recovery solution that is quick and efficient in addressing your hair loss challenges. The procedure takes just a few short sessions to give your hair the impressive appearance of a fuller scalp. The non-invasive process has no form of incision involved, hence you can return to your regular routines within just a few moments of scalp micropigmentation!

2. It Is Secure

Implementing scalp micropigmentation especially through the service of trained and experienced technicians guarantees you a procedure that is safe and without risks.

3. It Is Affordable

Scalp micropigmentation is not expensive. Unlike hair transplant procedures, it does not require any intensive process that drains your pocket. It assures a solution that lasts considerably long and lacks any post-procedural medications.

4. It Gives A Natural-Looking Result

If you would rather choose to address your hair loss problems the natural way, then scalp micropigmentation is what you should opt for. The procedure involves the use of functional pigments that takes the exact colour of your hair and also creates the pattern of hair follicles on your scalp. And instead of tying around a scarf, or wearing a hat or headpiece just to hide your hair loss, scalp micropigmentation would be a suitable alternative to consider.

5. It Is Durable And Incredible

Scalp micropigmentation would take you for several years. And unlike hair loss treatments, you can change your hair colours or styles to soothe your new taste.

6. It Requires Little Maintenance

The long-lasting nature of the hair loss solution assures that you can go on with it for several years before requiring any form of maintenance.

Before you have your first Scalp micropigmentation treatment, it is essential to discuss your requirements with a practitioner. This would include the shape and positioning of your hairline and also the shade and density of the pigmentation.

After concluding your first treatment, it is important to note a few things which include;

i. Keeping away from direct sun for twenty-eight days.

ii. Avoiding swimming, steam rooms, and saunas for twenty-eight days after having your final treatment.

iii. Avoid heavy dutiful exercise for at least, five days after receiving your final treatment.

iv. Moisturize the treated area between treatments, and also after the fourth day of undergoing the final treatment.

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